Program Launchers

You can write function to launch a program.

;path of program you want in your launcher
(defvar name-of-program-p "C:/full-path-to-program/program.exe")
; launcher function
(defun launch-program-name ()
(w32-shell-execute nil name-of-program-p nil)
);end launch-program-name

Program Launcher Hydra

(setq program-launcher-title (with-octicon "device-desktop" "Windows Program Launcher"))
;generate hydra
(pretty-hydra-define Windows-Exe (:title program-launcher-title :quit-key "q" :color pink )
    ("w" launch-prog1 "Launch Program 1")
);end theme
    ("g" launch-prog4 "Launch Program 4" )
);end highlighting

     ("x" launch-prog7 "Launch Program 7")
    ("h" hydra-helm/body "Return To Helm" :color blue )
    ("<SPC>" nil "Quit" :color blue)
);end other
);end hydra body
);end pretty-hydra-appearance
(bind-key "<C-m> x" 'Windows-Exe/body)