Steps to Getting Set-up on a New Computer

  1. install emacs
  2. install external executables
  3. paste .emacs and from active emacs installation to new emacs installation
  4. Change load paths in
  5. paste dependency folders to new emacs
  6. adjust home variable on new system
  7. adjust emacs to have administrator rights
  8. restart emacs and deal with each error as emacs runs through
  9. to troubleshoot basic errors use emacs debugger, messages, and the restart-emacs package.

Paths to Update on Change

You can put paths to executables, libraries, and external urls in a section at the top of your init file.

(defvar path-1 "../dir/app1.exe")
(defvar path-2 "../dir/app2.exe")
(defvar path-3 "../dir/app3.exe")

;custom library paths

(defvar lib-path-1 "../dir/lib1.el")
(defvar lib-path-2 "../dir/lib2.el")
(defvar lib-path-3 "../dir/lib3.el")