
You may want to create a hub hydra with hydra spokes using Oleh Krehel's hydra package.

A hub and spoke image


(use-package hydra
(defun describe-hydra-colors()
| Body     | Head      | Executing NON-HEADS   | Executing HEADS |
| Color    | Inherited |                       |                 |
|          | Color     |                       |                 |
| amaranth | red       | Disallow and Continue | Continue        |
| teal     | blue      | Disallow and Continue | Quit            |
| pink     | red       | Allow and Continue    | Continue        |
| red      | red       | Allow and Quit        | Continue        |
| blue     | blue      | Allow and Quit        | Quit            |
(message "Read Function Notes (describe-function)")
);end annotate hydra colors
);end use-package hydra

(use-package use-package-hydra)

Hydra Posframe

(use-package hydra-posframe
(setq hydra-posframe-border-width 2)
(set-face-attribute 'hydra-posframe-border-face nil :background "#ffffff")
(set-face-attribute 'hydra-posframe-face nil :background "#09142a" :foreground "#ffffff" )
(setq hydra-posframe-parameters
'((left-fringe . 4) (right-fringe . 4) (top-fringe . 4) (bottom-fringe . 4) (height . 30) (width . 105) (min-height . 25) (max-height . 50) (top . 25)))
(after-init . hydra-posframe-enable)
);end use-package-hydra-posframe

Pretty Hydra

(use-package pretty-hydra);end use package pretty hyrda