
You might find it easiest to get around your computer with Bookmarks

;bookmarks configuration
(setq bookmark-default-file bookmarks-p)
(global-set-key (kbd "C-c d") 'counsel-bookmarked-directory)
(global-set-key (kbd "C-c f") 'counsel-bookmark)
(global-set-key (kbd "C-c s") 'bookmark-set)

Address Book

You can use addressbook-bookmark to manage addresses.

(use-package addressbook-bookmark
:after helm-addressbook
:commands (addressbook-bookmark-set helm-addressbook-bookmarks)
);end package addressbook-bookmark

Bookmark Hydra

You can research and test the functions in this bookmarks hydra. The keys to the piano are right here, you only need to learn to play it, and then compose.

;bookmark hydra
(setq bookmarks-title (with-faicon "book" "Manage Book Marks"))
;generate hydra
(pretty-hydra-define Bookmarks (:title bookmarks-title :quit-key "q" :color teal )
("Local Bookmarks"
    ("b"  counsel-bookmark "Jump To A Bookmark C-c f")
    ("d"  counsel-bookmarked-directory "Jump Bookmarked dir C-c d")
    ("s" bookmark-set "Set A Bookmark")
    ("e" edit-bookmarks "Edit Bookmarks")

);end local
"Session Bookmarks"
    ("J"  bm-toggle "Set/Unset Session Bkmrk M-j")
    ("j" poseidon/bm-counsel-find-bookmark  "Call Session Bkmrk C-c j")
    ("m" bm-bookmark-annotate "Annotate Bkmrk")
    ("n" bm-next "bm next")
    ("p" bm-previous "Open in new buffer")
    ("a" bm-show-all  "List session bkmarks")
    ("A" bm-show  "List session bkmarks in buffer")
    ("g" bm-show-goto-bookmark  "Jmp to bkmrk from list")
    ("r" bm-remove-all-current-buffer "Remove buffer session bkmrks ")
    ("R" bm-remove-all-all-buffers "Remove all sesssion bkmrks")
    ("c" bm-toggle-cycle-all-buffers "Cycle All Buffer Bkmarks")

);end chrome
"Address Book"
    ("@" addressbook-bookmark-set "Enter Contact To Addressbook")
    ("c" helm-chrome-bookmarks "Select A Chrome Bookmark")
    ("r" helm-chrome-reload-bookmarks "Refresh Chrome Bookmarks")
    ("P" bm-toggle-buffer-persistence "Toggle Bm Persistance")
    ("S" bm-buffer-save-all "Bm save session bmkrks")
    ("+" bm-repository-add "Bm Add Repo")
    ("L" bm-repository-load "Bm Load Repo")
    ("C" bm-repository-clear "Bm Clear Repo")
    ("$" bm-repository-save "Bm Save Repo")
    ("h" hydra-helm/body "Return To Helm" :color blue )
    ("<SPC>" nil "Quit" :color blue )
);end addressbook
);end hydra body
);end pretty-hydra-find-files

(bind-key "<C-m> m" 'Bookmarks/body)

Bookmarks Hydra Screenshot

image of emacs posiedon configuration code bookmarks hydra

BM Bookmarks

With bm you can mark session files and pull them into the window. You can also keep the marks for next time.

(use-package bm
;:ensure t
;:demand t

(setq bm-restore-repository-on-load t)
;; Allow cross-buffer 'next'
(setq bm-cycle-all-buffers t)
;; where to store persistant files
(setq bm-repository-file "~/.emacs.d/bm-repository")
;; save bookmarks
(setq-default bm-buffer-persistence t)
;; Loading the repository from file when on start up.
(add-hook 'after-init-hook 'bm-repository-load)
;; Saving bookmarks
(add-hook 'kill-buffer-hook #'bm-buffer-save)

;; Saving the repository to file when on exit.
;; kill-buffer-hook is not called when Emacs is killed, so we
;; must save all bookmarks first.
(add-hook 'kill-emacs-hook #'(lambda nil

;; The `after-save-hook' is not necessary to use to achieve persistence,
;; but it makes the bookmark data in repository more in sync with the file
;; state.
;(add-hook 'after-save-hook #'bm-buffer-save)

;; Restoring bookmarks
(add-hook 'find-file-hooks   #'bm-buffer-restore)
(add-hook 'after-revert-hook #'bm-buffer-restore)

;; The `after-revert-hook' is not necessary to use to achieve persistence,
;; but it makes the bookmark data in repository more in sync with the file
;; state. This hook might cause trouble when using packages
;; that automatically reverts the buffer (like vc after a check-in).
;; This can easily be avoided if the package provides a hook that is
;; called before the buffer is reverted (like `vc-before-checkin-hook').
;; Then new bookmarks can be saved before the buffer is reverted.
;; Make sure bookmarks is saved before check-in (and revert-buffer)

(add-hook 'vc-before-checkin-hook #'bm-buffer-save)

(defun poseidon/bm-counsel-get-list (bookmark-overlays)
	 "TODO: docstring.
	 (-map (lambda (bm)
			 (with-current-buffer (overlay-buffer bm)
			   (let* ((line (replace-regexp-in-string
							 (buffer-substring (overlay-start bm)
											   (overlay-end bm))))
					  ;; line numbers start on 1
					  (line-num (+ 1 (count-lines (point-min) (overlay-start bm))))
					  (name (format "%s:%d - %s" (buffer-name) line-num line)))
				 `(,name . ,bm))))

 (defun poseidon/bm-counsel-find-bookmark ()
	 "TODO: docstring.
 Arguments: none."
	 (let* ((bm-list (poseidon/bm-counsel-get-list (bm-overlays-lifo-order t)))
			(bm-hash-table (make-hash-table :test 'equal))
			(search-list (-map (lambda (bm) (car bm)) bm-list)))
	   (-each bm-list (lambda (bm)
						(puthash (car bm) (cdr bm) bm-hash-table)))
	   (ivy-read "Find bookmark: "
				 :require-match t
				 :keymap counsel-describe-map
				 :action (lambda (chosen)
						   (let ((bookmark (gethash chosen bm-hash-table)))
							 (switch-to-buffer (overlay-buffer bookmark))
							 (bm-goto bookmark)))
				 :sort t)))

;(global-unset-key (kbd "<C-tab>"))
(global-set-key (kbd "M-j") 'bm-toggle)
(global-set-key (kbd "C-c j") 'poseidon/bm-counsel-find-bookmark)
(global-set-key (kbd "C-c ,") 'bm-previous)
(global-set-key (kbd "C-c .") 'bm-next)
);end bm bookmarks

BM Bookmarks Hydra

(setq bm-bookmarks-title (with-faicon "book" "Visual Bookmarks Command"))

;generate hydra
(pretty-hydra-define bm-bookmarks (:title bm-bookmarks-title :quit-key "q" :color pink )
    ("J" bm-toggle "Set/unset session bkmrk")
    ("j" poseidon/bm-counsel-find-bookmark  "Counsel Bkmark")
    ("m" bm-bookmark-annotate "Annotate Bkmrk")
    ("n" bm-next "bm next")
    ("p" bm-previous "Open in new buffer")

);end theme
"Bkmark Remove"
    ("a" bm-show-all  "List session bkmarks")
    ("A" bm-show  "List session bkmarks in buffer")
    ("g" bm-show-goto-bookmark  "Jmp to bkmrk from list")
    ("r" bm-remove-all-current-buffer "Remove buffer session bkmrks ")
    ("R" bm-remove-all-all-buffers "Remove all sesssion bkmrks")
    ("c" bm-toggle-cycle-all-buffers "Cycle All Buffer Bkmarks")

);end highlighting

"Bkmark Repo"
    ("P" bm-toggle-buffer-persistence "Toggle Bm Persistance")
    ("S" bm-buffer-save-all "Bm Save session bmkrks")
    ("+" bm-repository-add "Bm Add Repo")
    ("L" bm-repository-load "Bm Load Repo")
    ("C" bm-repository-clear "Bm Clear Repo")
    ("$" bm-repository-save "Bm Save Repo")
    ("h" hydra-helm/body "Return To Helm" :color blue )
    ("<SPC>" nil "Quit" :color pink)
);end other
);end hydra body
);end pretty-hydra-bookmark

(bind-key "<C-m> j" 'bm-bookmarks/body)